[OS X TeX] Installing unstable packages

Alan Munn amunn at gmx.com
Thu Feb 17 19:38:05 CET 2011

On Feb 17, 2011, at 1:27 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 17.02.2011 um 19:02 schrieb Alan Munn:
>> (See my answer.)
> You assume that TEXMFHOME is empty. That's not likely. How does TeXShop, or any other TeX front-end, learn from this environment variable?

As I mentioned, if you put this into a TeXShop engine file, it will use the value you set whenever you invoke that engine.  You can think of that as a local change.    As I said, I don't know how other editors interact with shell variables.TeXShop doesn't use the normal shell environment variables unless you've create a .MacOS/environment.plist file or whatever (which most of us here don't recommend.)  So whether your TEXMFHOME variable is empty or not in the terminal isn't very relevant.  (And again, in a standard user there is no value for TEXMFHOME set unless someone has explicitly put it into their .profile, AFAIK.)


Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com

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