[OS X TeX] Printing Skak Diagrams? (from Preview)

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Jul 6 17:22:22 CEST 2010

On Jul 6, 2010, at 10:09 AM, Louis Lev wrote:

> Hello All:
> Just starting out with LaTeX, and I've run across an interesting problem.  I'vebeen trying to print out the Skak documentation (chess typesetting), but theprinted output refuses to show diagrams.  The print preview in Previewshows them just fine, but the output shows simply letters, both capitaland lowercase.
> I'm running 10.5.9 and a standard complete install of MacTeX, and TexShopis my frontend.  My printer is an old HP PSC 950xi (multifunction),  and thecomputer is a 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you,
> Lou 		 	   		  


Sounds like a printer driver problem. Does your printer support Postscript? If so use the postscript driver.

I've got a Brother Monochrome Laser Printer and using the PCL driver or the Native driver I have occasional problems but haven't had problems using their Postscript (clone) driver.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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