[OS X TeX] updmap-sys won't do its thing

Kyle Johnson kbj at linguist.umass.edu
Sat Jul 3 18:34:49 CEST 2010

Thank you Peter, Michael and Herb.

I don't recall running updmap, but that was, indeed, the source of my  
woes. I followed Peter's helpfully explicit instructions and  
everything works perfectly.

Do you gentlemen wear shining armor?

Again: many thanks,

Quoting Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE>:

> Am 03.07.2010 um 15:04 schrieb Kyle Johnson:
>> At any rate, there are no entries in this psfonts.map for  
>> MinionPro,  and so this is likely my problem.
> So either remove the whole (sub-)directory tree (best by: 'sudo rm -  
> rf /Users/kbj/.texlive2009' to avoid warnings that some files built  
> by  an accidental 'sudo updmap ...' cannot be removed) or enable the  
> two  MAP file fragments also personally by running updmap instead of  
> 'sudo  updmap-sys' these two times. (IMO "ending is better than  
> mending.")
>> But I don't know what to do to generate them. Why didn't updmap-sys  
>>  do this?
> The "-sys" variants work on the "systematic" TeX tree, i.e., /usr/  
> local/texlive/2009. This area belongs to the super-user and  
> therefore  you have to use sudo in order to change something in this  
> area. The  non-sys commands work only in your personal are, i.e.,  
> /Users/kbj  (your HOME directory) and here particularly on /Users/  
> kbj/.texlive2009. When in your personal areas a file with same name  
> as  in the system's area is found, then this personal variant is used.
> --
> Greetings
>   Pete
> We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found   
> ourselves than by those which have occurred to others.
> 				– Blaise Pascal

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