[OS X TeX] Syncing in one direction only

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 02:26:59 CET 2010

On Dec 26, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Don Green Dragon wrote:

> Hi Alain,
> On 2010-23Dec-, at 8:40 PM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Don Green Dragon wrote:
>>> Now working on the suggestion made by Alain Schremmer.
>> It should work but if not, let me know.
> I've not been able to replicate your example in the case of two  
> sources files. So I'm missing something. This is the setup:
> (1) In a directory ~/Documents/Alain/ I have the three subdirectories:
> 	Contents	Controls	WholeBook
> I'm not yet at your 'ALL' stage.  ;-)
> (2) In directory Contents/, I have two 'source' files '1.tex' and  
> '2.tex'. Their content is simply that of longer chapters from which  
> they have been culled. When typeset, each produces about three  
> pages, mostly text, but a teeny bit of math stuff in '2.tex'. Each  
> begins with the comment line:
> %!TEX root = ../Controls/n.tex
> where n is 1 or 2, as appropriate. The first non-comment line is a  
> \chapter command.
> (3) In directory Controls/, there are two 'master' or 'root' files  
> '1.tex' and '2.tex'. Here is the essence of '2.tex'
> ---------------------------
> \documentclass[11pt]{book}
> % a very simple preamble which I'm confident is not the problem
> \begin{document}
> \frontmatter
> \tableofcontents
> \mainmatter
> \addtocounter{page}{3}		% adjust <page> counter to number of pages  
> in 1.tex
> \addtocounter{chapter}{1}	% adjust <chapter> counter  so that when  
> \chapter is
> 				% encountered, then <chapter> will be incremented to 2
> \include{../Contents/2}		% includes ~/Documents/Alain/Contents/2.tex
> \end{document}
> ---------------
> Structure of Controls/1.tex is essentially the same with requisite  
> changes.
> Next is my assumption about the purpose of the .tex files mentioned  
> so far!
> H1: When working on the file Contents/1.tex, one initially typesets  
> the file Controls/1.tex and thereafter one can sync back and forth  
> as one repairs or augments the file Contents/1.tex.
> H2: Same as H1 with '1' replaced by '2'.
> If H1 and H2 and not correct, then please clarify!
> Assuming that H1 and H2 are okay, here is what happens:
> Before continuing, I note that in the Contents/ directory, the two  
> files '1.tex' and '2.tex' are the only files! In this directory,  
> there is neither a '1.aux' nor a '2.aux' file.
> (4) File Controls/1.tex is loaded into TeXShop, and TYPESET is  
> requested. The main console complaint is:
> --------------------------
> No file ../Contents/1.aux.
> ) (./1.toc) [1{/usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/ 
> updmap/pdftex
> .map}] [2]
> /usr/texbin/pdflatex: Not writing to ../Contents/1.aux (openout_any  
> = p).
> ./1.tex:28: I can't write on file `../Contents/1.aux'.
> \@include ...\immediate \openout \@partaux #1.aux
>                                                   \immediate \write  
> \@partau...
> l.28 \include{../Contents/1}
>                             		% includes ~/Documents/Schremmer/ 
> Contents/1.tex
> (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit; default file extension  
> is `.tex')
> Please type another output file name: i /Contents/1.aux
> (../Contents/1.tex

(1) I have had problems with "I can't write on aux file ... openout".  
It's mentioned in Companion 2ed, page 901:

"[...] TeX installations are by default configured to be paranoid  
(hence p in openout_any = p)" [...] To change that behavior you have  
to modify the settings in the file texmf.cnf

I did it following Bruno Voisin's instructions on this list on March  
22, 2007 1:35:26 PM EDT

(2) I have attached a zip of a minimum example which---I just  
checked---works here.
(3) Re H1: You can typeset a chapter either from the control file or  
from the contents file. Either way, you get one aux file in each  
folder (different ones).

(4)	I use %!TEX root = ../Controls/\jobname.tex so as to avoid  
entering chapter numbers by hand and making mistakes.
(5)	I don't think that
	in the control file for a chapter will get you chapter TOCs. Use  


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