[OS X TeX] Re: compatibility of todo package with xelatex

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 05:53:28 CEST 2010

On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:57 PM, Rob Rye wrote:

> Alain,
> I really like the look of the margin notes that the code you use  
> produces.
> I now have
> \usepackage[marginpar]{todo}
> and your code in the preamble.
> However, I cannot figure out how to use query with todo such that I  
> retain the hyperlinks I get when I allow todo to generate the  
> margin notes.
> For instance, if I do the following:
> \todo*[sample]{This is a sample todo note.}\query{sample}
> I get a nice margin note but no hyperlink, as the * next to todo  
> suppresses that link. Whereas, if I do
> \todo[sample]{This is a sample todo note.}
> I get a hyperlink (assuming I am using hyperref) from the margin  
> note to the todos list at the end of the pdf after typesetting, but  
> of course there is no nicely formatted margin note.
> Would I need to customize todo such that it recognized the command  
> query as an option if I want to retain the hyperlink and gain the  
> query styled margin notes? As written, todo will not recognize  
> query as an alternative to marginpar (so far as I can tell anyway).

Actually, I am totally incompetent and, as noted, I just lifted the  
code from Ask Nelly Practex 2005 Vol1. But maybe she could help.

(As a matter of fact, I could not even get todo to work in the  
admittedly little time I had to try it. )

Apologetic regards

> On Apr 18, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

>> A little bit along similar lines, I find it useful to have the  
>> following in my preamble:
>> %begin---------------------------MARGIN NOTES (Ask Nelly Practex  
>> 2005 Vol1.)---------------
>> \newcommand{\query}[1]%
>> 	{%begin definition
>> 		\marginpar{%
>> 			\vskip-\baselineskip %raise the marginpar a bit
>> 			\raggedright
>> 			\footnotesize
>> 			\color{red}
>> 			\itshape
>> 			\hrule\smallskip#1\par\smallskip\hrule%
>> 				}%
>> 	}%end definition
>> \newcommand{\removequeries}%
>> 	{%begin definition
>> 		\renewcommand{\query}[1]{}%
>> 	}%end definition
>> %------------------------------------------MARGIN  
>> NOTES------------------------------------------end
>> Regards
>> --schremmer

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