[OS X TeX] Pstricks rotating pages

Christopher Allen Christopher.T.Allen.95 at Alum.Dartmouth.ORG
Thu Jun 25 18:49:55 CEST 2009

> Any solutions to prevent this rotation into landscape mode?

I've seen this before, too. I couldn't remember for sure which  
documents had done it, but I checked one that I think did. I believe  
using the Geometry package, enabling the specification of height and  
width, solves the problem without being too intrusive. I could be  
wrong about that, though.

However, I'm not sure it was true landscape mode that you saw. I think  
the picture is still produced in the correct orientation compared to  
the long and short sides of the paper. What happened for me is that  
the viewer turned the page sideways like turning a regularly printed  
sheet of paper sideways to look at it. Try putting a line of text  
outside of the picture. Is it really in landscape mode? Or does that  
text show up sideways? Or does the viewer now change the orientation  
of the view?


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