Re: [OS X TeX] Kanbun (漢文) and French...

Jean-Christophe Helary fusion at
Sat Jan 3 02:10:51 CET 2009

On samedi 03 janv. 09, at 00:44, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> I sent a few times a preamble that allows to typeset a UTF-8 encoded  
> LaTeX document with (some) LaTeX (either producing DVI or PDF) and  
> XeLaTeX. Could be it happened on the XeTeX list, so here it is on  
> the more general list (since it's not allowed to attach files I have  
> to paste the sometimes a bit long lines ...):


Your code did not work because Texshop complained about not having the  
"native" font Lucida Bright etc.

I removed that part and pressed the typeset button and your one liner  
appeared but without the 2 kanji.

(Off course, I used the Texshop header you provided, with a file saved  
in UTF-8).

I tried the code present in the MacTex package Readme file, but that  
failed too to properly display French.

So, the question is, is there a tutorial somewhere for Texshop/Xetex/ 
French so that I can first test a few lines a proceed, with what  
should not such a hard typesetting job ?

Jean-Christophe Helary

> %% -*- mode: LaTeX; coding: utf-8; -*-
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> %	Time-stamp: <2009-01-02 16:29:52 pete>
> %
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> 	/Keywords	(LaTeX, UTF8, ISO, Latin-1, Latin-2, Latin-9, ISO 8859,  
>    }
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> \begin{document}
> Kanbun (漢文) and French with a good font ...
> \end{document}
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> %%% End:
> It's meant to be used in GNU Emacs. In TeXShop this header would be  
> better:
> 	%%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
> 	%%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> and no footer needed.
> Don't forget to customise for your system's fonts! Babel or  
> polyglossia can be used for hyphenation. Since your Japanese texts  
> are so short you don't other Japanese support then choosing the  
> proper font. Take care that you use up-to-date TeX Live and XeTeX in  
> Fink! Maybe you need to switch to unstable packages.
> --
> Greetings
>  Pete
> Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the  
> weak.
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