[OS X TeX] Re: List of feature requests on this list

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
Tue Mar 25 20:31:24 CET 2008


On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> 1) I thought that keeping track of the features requested on this list  for 
> TeXShop might be helpful.
> 2) I am not too good at it but should improve.

Your initiation is great and honorable! And you are doing it 
excellently: for such a task, one needs knowing well enough TeXShop; and 
not everybody has the sense and patience to filter out the essentials of 
our requests (esp. mine, sometimes messy and rushed descriptions of even 
messier rushed thoughts :-(

> 3) This is ABSOLUTELY NOT a substitute to making requests on SourceForge (It 
> started as a way to gauge the importance accorded to wishes on this list but, 
> while that didn't seem to generate much interest, the "keeping track" seems 
> to have.)

(Note on your remark in parentheses: On our behalf, i.e. requesters', we 
should do our best to help you in this not-so-easy task. So, I do my best 

Because in L you say "see Loukanova...", perhaps it would be good to add 
also "25 Mar 2008 07:47:57 +0100 (CET)", may be even "(and x)", where x is 
the time of this note. I think the argument which I tried to express is 
important: indeed TeXShop is extraordinary valuable TeX editor + pdf 
viewer, on a par with the values of Emacs. This is why I think 
synchronization Emacs <-> TeXShop would be valuable. (For the time being, 
I am switching all the time between several pdf viewers...)


> ============================================
> L was dropped accidentally  :-(   see 2) above
> M, N, O are at the request of Richard Seguin
> ============================================
> A?Line numbers in the source file window (that the Console refers to)
> 	?B: Change font size in the source window (Available: Source > Font > 
> Bigger/Smaller)
> 	?C: Change Command I  from meaning Source > Font > Italic to a 
> keyboard command for \emph (Available under Leopard: Goedde, March 24, 2008 
> 11:35:58 AM EDT)
> 	?D: Change Command B from meaning Source > Font > Bold to a keyboard 
> command for \textbf (Available under Leopard: Goedde, March 24, 2008 2:43:20 
> E?A way to collapse one or more sections' text / better yet an outliner mode
> F1?A SECOND Typeset button, one that does NOT save at the same time
> F2?A preference option to control whether Typeset saves or not - and link 
> that to the keyboard typeset command.
> 	?G: Let the bottom of the source window be standard, with a 
> horizontal scroll bar (Available: Source > Wrap Lines > None)
> H?The ability to split the output window as well as the source window (if 
> possible with sync)
> I?A button in the source window to open the output window (To bypass the 
> menu's File > Open for Preview)
> 	?J: Cursor staying put (Available: Pref > Document > Select on 
> Activate)
> K?Colored matched brackets.
> L?Emacs <-> TeXShop. For details, see Loukanova, March 24, 2008 5:51:47 PM 
> M?An option to color $ ... $ strings a solid color.
> N?An option to always open documents (.tex and .pdf) in the same position 
> where they were last closed. (Koch wrote to me about that but I will leave it 
> to him.)
> O?An option that allows the Tags menu drop down to always display at the same 
> scroll position from which the last tag was selected.
> Regards
> --schremmer

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