Nathan Paxton napaxton at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Mar 4 06:11:52 CET 2008

	Hi all,

	I'm using gwtex on a PPC system with OS X 10.5.2. For some reason,  
whenever I try to print out a PDF produced by LaTeX, it causes the  
viewer program to crash, whether Skim, Preview or TeXShop. Is there  
anything that could cause this? What more information can I give?

	I've never had this problem until this evening, it seems.

Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University

Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University

napaxton AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu
When you have to stay eight years away from California, you live in a  
perpetual state of homesickness.
         - Ronald Reagan

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself.  Aloud.
         -Coco Chanel

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