[OS X TeX] a suggestion

Louis Talman talmanl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 03:30:17 CET 2008

On Mar 2, 2008, at 6:24 PM, ludwik kowalski wrote:

> On Mar 2, 2008, at 4:23 PM, ludwik kowalski wrote:
>>  . . . Below is my corrected file. Then I describe what happened.

Your source file works fine on my machine, except that the indexed  
terms, as expected, do not appear in the typeset paragraph.  This  
latter is because the "\index{Russia}" code produces *only* an index  
entry for the word "Russia".  It doesn't cause anything to appear in  
the original typeset text.  If you want the word "Russia"
to appear in the paragraph, you have to type "Russia\index{Russia}"  
where only "\index{Russia}" appeared
in your source document.  This allows you, for example, to index an  
appearance of "Soviet Union" under
the entry "Russia" by putting "Soviet Union\index{Russia}" in your  
source file.

Using TeXShop, set the system to run LaTeX, and typeset twice.  Then  
reset it to MakeIndex and typset again.
Reset it again to TeXShop and typeset two more times.  (The double- 
typesetting before and after may be over-kill, but it worked for me.)

When the final PDF appears in the viewer, it should have two pages.   
The second page is the index.

--Lou Talman
   Department of Mathematical & Computer Sciences
   Metropolitan State College of Denver


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