Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Mon Feb 25 00:34:41 CET 2008

At 2:32 PM -0800 2/24/08, Eldon Lytle wrote:
>   I'm using laTeX to format documentation for program
>code which includes special characters from an
>extension of ascii dating back to the DOS, Microsoft
>Basic, pre-Windows era. The write-up on it in the
>BASIC programming manual of the time simply identifies
>the character set in question as ASCII plus a field of
>extended codes (which happen to include an assortment
>of foreign language characters with diacritics, paired
>box shapes, and so on). Here, to be more specific, are
>some of the non-letter shapes:▐ ╡ ╢
>╟╒ ▓  ░. The ASCII values to
>print them from BASIC with  'PRINT CHR$(ascii)' are
>given, but so far, I have been unable to connect the
>character set as a whole with any laTeX designation(s)
>that I can load as an 'inputenc' option. (TeXShop
>displays them initially but they don't appear in the
>pdf file and are thereafter replaced with a question
>mark). Any assistance  in solving this problem would
>be appreciated.
>Eldon Lytle

This is a font problem more than an encoding 
problem.  If the standard fonts don't have the 
glyphs a code page won't work, I think.

However, you might want to check the ascii package:


If this is the the right character set you want.

If want you need is this code page: 

then this thread on c.t.t might help:



Alan Munn 
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                                 
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824      Tel.  +1-517-355-7491

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