[OS X TeX] Skim SKAutoReloadFileUpdate

Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD joseph.slater at wright.edu
Thu Dec 18 16:42:44 CET 2008

On Dec 18, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Dec 18, 2008, at 6:20 AM, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:
>> OK, another question---how is what TeXShop does any different, and  
>> is there a difference between using it as an "external viewer" or  
>> as the source editor and viewer?
> Yes, there is a difference.
>> If the TS user pushes "typeset," does this provide the PDF viewer  
>> with information about when the typesetting process begins and so  
>> the viewer can wait to reload until it's ready?
> TS runs an external process to typeset your document, so it knows  
> when that call is finished, and when it should open/reload the PDF.
> TextMate uses a similar approach, since it launches the TeX  
> process(es) on your behalf.  If that succeeds, it tells Skim (using  
> Python):
> os.system("/usr/bin/osascript -e " + """'tell application "Skim" to  
> revert (documents whose path is %s)' """%pdfPath)
> ...and does something similar for other viewers.  This is trivial  
> with a shell script or makefile approach.
How does it know the process succeeded, though? (20 more questions and  
I'll have enough knowledge to solve the issue in emacs!).


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