[OS X TeX] BibLaTeX and archival (a la jurabib)

Juergen Fenn juergen.fenn at GMX.DE
Wed Dec 17 00:23:59 CET 2008

G.H. Szylowsky PhD schrieb:

> Is there a Short Course?

Not really. Dominik Waßenhoven has published a two-part introduction to
biblatex in DANTE's DTK journal. It is shorter than the generic manual,
but it still takes quite a while to study.

> We should be able to learn how to format references in an hour!

Well, a few minutes ago I have pleaded for an equivalent to the Apple
Human Interface Guidelines for package documentation on a different
mailing list. But I doubt that an hour would be enough for this
particular purpose as it is not exactly a trivial job to do.


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