Vic Norton vic at norton.name
Thu Aug 14 22:20:18 CEST 2008

OK. Here is a really oddball way to install gnuplot-4.2.3 in /usr/ 
local/bin on a Mac---but it will work.

1. go to <http://octave.sourceforge.net/>
2. click on the "Octave.app for Mac OS X" link
3. download the appropriate "2008-04-26 binary of Octave 3.0.1"
4. open the resulting DMG file
5. open the gnuplot-4.2.3 DMG the Extras folder
6. drop Gnuplot.app into your applications folder
7. go to /usr/local/bin in terminal and do
8. $ sudo ln -sf "/Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/bin/ 

You are done. Now gnuplot-4.2.3 can be opened by double-clicking  
Gnuplot.app in your application folder or by starting a gnuplot  
script with the shebang line
In particular the script
	show version long
will produce

	G N U P L O T
	Version 4.2 patchlevel 3
	last modified Mar 2008
	System: Darwin 8.11.0

	Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2008
	Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

	Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual.
	The gnuplot FAQ is available from http://www.gnuplot.info/faq/

	Send bug reports and suggestions to <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ 

Compile options:

DRIVER_DIR     = "/Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/ 
GNUPLOT_PS_DIR = "/tmp/gnuplot-ppc/share/gnuplot/4.2/PostScript"
HELPFILE       = "/Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/share/ 

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