[OS X TeX] Reference managers

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Oct 24 23:02:29 CEST 2007

Le 24 oct. 07 à 22:54, Jan Erik Moström a écrit :

> It's the same as the last time I was looking, there isn't actually  
> any features that is missing, BibDesk does all what I need.
> My "problem" is that the GUI doesn't "click" for me, I can't really  
> explain it but there is something there that doesn't work for me.  
> It's probably just a personal thing (like everybody now talks about  
> Textmate, a nice editor but I like BBEdit better, or that I really  
> like Voodopad but haven't actually found any use for it, or that I  
> prefer Interarchy to Fetch/Transmit etc).

Papers might have a more Mac-like interface in this respect. I'm not  
sure, but IIRC from a very quick look just after it was launched  
Papers has an interface similar to iTunes (and probably to Leopard's  
Finder from the screenshots seen here and there).

That said, from the reports posted on this list BibDesk is more  
powerful and has unsurpassed TeX integration. I can't say more as I'm  
not using either (I'm still managing bibliographical data by hand),  
but I know that when I decide/find time to explore computer  
bibliographical management I'll start with BibDesk.

Bruno Voisin

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