[OS X TeX] Regular expressions

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat May 12 11:46:51 CEST 2007

Am 12.05.2007 um 10:58 schrieb André Bellaïche:

> P.S. The regular expression search does not seem to work very  
> well : when you search for 'cla*', you get not only  
> 'documentclass...', but also 'cleardoublepage' or 'clos', 'cloche'.  
> The 'a' is not seen.

That's a correct behaviour: the ``*´´ in a regular expression stands  
for 0 to ∞ repetitions of the last character. So indeed you are  
searching for everything that contains at least ``cl´´.

If some characters play no role, then don't mention them – or do you  
like to talk a lot about something that does not matter anything to  
anyone? This expression might be more useful:


(I do not use the regexp form in TeXShop. It's not clear to me  
whether there is some correspondence from my input to the output,  
except when I am *not* using any wildcards. I prefer GNU Emacs, which  
would find with either of these expressions all occurrences of \index 


backslash index { with an unknown number of characters of which is  
*none* a } ending in })



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