[OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX, MS Word, asking questions, LyX (was 1/2" margins)

Bill Rowe readlists at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 13 05:43:38 CEST 2006

On 10/12/06 at 3:12 PM, Schremmer.Alain at gmail.com (Alain Schremmer)

>I agree with both: most people—of whom I was—hardly use more than,
>say, 10% of the capabilities of MS Word. That 10% is the easy part.
>And it is when you start trying to beyond that the woes start.

>So then, again, why not a "LaTeX light"—and I mean a markup one as
>there is no obvious incompatibility?

It already exists. One need not learn to use every LaTeX command 
and every package to start using LaTeX and get good results. I 
suspect a lot of people do precisely what i have done. Learn to 
use a few commands and packages to achieve what they need and 
ignore the rest. That in effect, is a "LaTeX light". And the 
beauty is it is fully LaTeX compatible and can always be added 
to as the need arises.
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