[OS X TeX] gs problem? [was Adobe Illustrator]

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Mon Nov 6 20:13:49 CET 2006

On Nov 6, 2006, at 11:52 AM, George Gratzer wrote:

> Gary,
> Big problem. I updated to the Oct. 15 2006 version of MacTeX and  
> now TeX Font Outliner no longer works.
> The error message:
> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11R6/liub/libXt.6.dylib
> Referenced from /usr/local.bin/gs
> Reason: image not found
> Did I do something wrong?

Hi George.

We are running the October 16 version of Gerben's TeX installation  
(installed and updated via i-Installer, not MacTeX). In addition, we  
are running the October 16 version of Ghostscript, again installed  
via i-Installer (we haven't yet jumped to Gerben's TeX Live  
installation). Given that you have installed the October 16 version  
of MacTeX, my guess is that you are running the same stuff. Since the  
font outliner continues to work for us several times a day, something  
must be different about our setups.

Since the error involves X11, I am not sure what is going on, since  
the script, the heart of which is shown below, doesn't use X11 in any  
way of which I am aware.

on open Filename
	(* Add your script to process the names here. *)
	set FileInformation to AssembleFileInfo(Filename)
	set CDCommand to "cd " & (FDirectory of FileInformation) & "; "
	gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -dNOCACHE -sOutputFile=nofont-test.ps -q -dbatch  
-dNOPAUSE test.pdf -c quit
	do shell script (CDCommand & "/usr/local/bin/gs -sDEVICE=pswrite - 
dNOCACHE -sOutputFile=Outlines-" & (PSName of FileInformation) & " -q  
-dbatch -dNOPAUSE " & (FName of FileInformation) & " -c quit")
	set Filetarget to ((MacFDirectory of FileInformation) & ":Outlines-"  
& (PSName of FileInformation))
	-- display dialog Filetarget
		tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to activate
		tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to open file Filetarget
	end try
end open

(* ==== Subroutine assemble file related information into record  
form.  ==== *)
on AssembleFileInfo(ThisFile)
	set FileInfo to (info for ThisFile)
	set FileRecord to {FName:(name of FileInfo) as string} as record
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FExtension:(name extension of  
FileInfo as string)}
	set TString to ThisFile as string
	set TString to (characters 1 through ((length of TString) - 1 -  
(length of (FName of FileRecord)))) of TString as string
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {MacFDirectory:TString}
	set TString to ("\"" & (POSIX path of TString) & "\"")
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FDirectory:TString}
	set TString to (characters 1 through ((length of (FName of  
FileRecord)) - 1 - (length of FExtension of FileRecord))) of (FName  
of FileRecord) as string
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FBaseName:TString}
	set TString to (FBaseName of FileRecord) & ".ps"
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {PSName:TString}
	return FileRecord
end AssembleFileInfo

Maybe one of the maintainers of the MacTeX package can comment on why  
this might be happening.

In addition, just to be sure that you have the latest and greatest  
outliner, I have replaced the .zip archive on the Mac OS X TeX web  
site with the latest version of "TeX Font Outliner.app" and "PDF  
Cropper.app". I think that the only recent changes have been to "PDF  
Cropper.app" (it no longer invokes the Terminal and has some user  
error checks). You can grab it at:


I hope this helps (though I am not optimistic). :-)

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