[OS X TeX] converting jpg to eps

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Mar 8 11:18:45 CET 2006

Am 08.03.2006 um 04:52 schrieb Arthur Snoke:

> Question: When including eps files in latex, does the language  
> level ever matter?

It does not matter for TeX, for TeX it's just an opaque object. It  
only matters when you convert or execute (i.e. print) the PS content;  
dvips should not stumble over it because it takes the object as it is  
from the DVI and puts it in the PS output file ...

An old PostScript v. 1 printer won't be able to print EPS  
LanguageLevel 2 or 3, assuming this corresponds to PostScript  
language levels or versions. Very old Ghostscript or an elder Mac OS  
X might fail too.



Ce qui été compris n'existe plus.    (Paul Eluard)

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