[OS X TeX] making a whole table in foonotesize

Denis Chabot chabotd at globetrotter.net
Fri Dec 8 05:40:37 CET 2006


I apologize for this basic question, but I can't find help on the web  
with the keywords I could think of using.

Basically, I'm working on a large table that will be set in landscape  
mode and will flow on several pages in length. I'm having a hard time  
to make the width fit, so I would like to have the entire table set  
in a smaller text size, like footnotesize.

It is tedious to select the text of each cell and set it within  
{\footnotesize }. But

Although I can set several paragraphs of text (outside a tabular  
environment) to be in a different size by surrounding them with



the beginner that I am does not understand this does not work (I get  
errors) if I put these commands just after

begin{tabular} (or begin{longtable})

and just before

end{tabular} (or end{longtable})

I would be grateful for a solution to this problem!

Thanks in advance,

Denis Chabot

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