[OS X TeX] Commutative Diagrams

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Sat Jan 15 20:17:26 CET 2005

1. I wish to apologize to Walker: I did not mean to appear "sarcastic" 
if only because I depend too much on the help I get here but also 
because of all the help I already got here.

2. I moved \usepackage{pdfsync} after \usepackage{amscd}but no change.

3. Voisin was right in that I had installed amscd. I removed it but no 
change. By the way, I found amscd not quite where he indicated:
MacIntosh HD>Library>teTex>share>texmf.tetex>tex>latex>amsmath>amscd.sty
Does this mean I fouled up somewhere? I i-installed 1.35e this summer 
and have not touched it since.

4. I commented out the three lines between \[ \begin{CD} and \end{CD} 
\]. It still won't work but the console now says
    ABD: EveryShipOut initializing macros (I can't remember if I saw 
that before.)
    !Extra }, or forgotten $.
    \end CD->\crcr \egroup
    l.9 \end{CD}

5. The issue is not a burning one as I am not using that many diagrams 
and can always uncomment them and comment pdfsync out when I need to see 
them or just include pdf figures. It is more that it is "annoying".  So, 
the question is: should I just forget about it?


Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Le 15 janv. 05, à 05:53, Alain Schremmer a écrit :
>> The following works as it should:
>>    \documentclass[11pt]{book}
>> %         \usepackage{pdfsync}
>>            \usepackage{amscd}
>>          \begin{document}
>>        \[ \begin{CD}
>>        1 @>>> 2 \\
>>        @VVV @VVV \\
>>        3 @>>> 4 \\
>>        \end{CD} \]
>>    \end{document}
>> Now uncomment
>>    \usepackage{pdfsync}
>> and it does not work: the console gives the message I mentioned before.
> Works fine here, either commenting out \usepackage{pdfsync} or not. 
> That said...
> Le 14 janv. 05, à 22:32, Alain Schremmer a écrit :
>> (I have installed amscd with all my other .sty and entered 
>> \usepackage{amscd} in the preamble.)
> Does this mean you have installed the package amscd yourself? That's 
> not necessary, and may be harmful (version clash), it's there by 
> default already 
> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/amsmath/amscd.sty.
> Bruno Voisin
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