[OS X TeX] Applescript-tcl dictionary, wishlist

Joachim Kock jkock at start.no
Sat Jan 8 13:22:59 CET 2005

Many interesting postings on this subject, but perhaps in 
the wrong forum...

There is now a wiki page dedicated to the discussion:


Here I have tried to summarise the discussion (up to yesterday),
but I'm afraid I can't continue to act like a secretary like that.

So I would like to urge you to repeat your contributions,
writing this time on the wiki page.


Joachim Kock <kock at mat.uab.es>
Departament de Matemàtiques -- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici C -- 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) -- ESPANYA
Phone: +34 93 581 32 50        Fax: +34 93 581 27 90

Få din egen @start.no-adresse gratis på http://www.start.no/
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