[OS X TeX] Ghostscript 8.50 i-Package

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Jan 4 14:33:04 CET 2005

Le 4 janv. 05, à 13:18, Themis Matsoukas a écrit :

> I see it now. I got confused because when I choose Ghostscript 8->Open 
> i-package, the readme file says this is version 8.13. The Show 
> i-package info, however, correctly identifies this as version 8.50.

I also got confused recently by the same thing (for this and other 
i-Packages), but realized afterwards that the ReadMe displayed in the 
i-Package window corresponds to the i-Package stored on disk. You need 
to update the "Self" i-Package first, and then the displayed ReadMe 
will become the updated one; or, as you said, use the "Show i-Package 
Info" button in the i-Directory window.

Bruno Voisin

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