[OS X TeX] iInstaller and manually installed components

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Nov 29 21:56:08 CET 2004

Am 29.11.2004 um 21:12 schrieb Maarten Sneep:

> That's another one: the 'ls' on Panther is the coloured version 
> already.
> Just add
>     export CLICOLOR=1
>     export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
> to your .bashrc to get the colours, which - I think - is the most 
> common reason
> to favour Fink's ls over the Apple supplied one.

There are strange reasons why the Fink folks think their ls, grep, 
file, libtool, gettext, libXaw3d ... are better than the Apple supplied 
GNU utilities. For Panther I can't see any reason *not* to put /sw/bin 
to the end. Before, Apple's ls did not colourize its output. A 
workaround would have been to use aliases in csh or shell functions in 

I chose to *add* to the usual path first /usr/local/bin, than /sw/bin, 
and than /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current. So Fink 
binaries can come before those from the i-Packages. And I have the 
opportunity to install not that ready software by hand into 
/usr/local/bin. I did this too because I've chosen to let Fink install 
'unstable' software that's quite fresh. If you choose to be supplied 
only with 'stable' Fink software then there shouldn't be any need to 
prefer /sw/bin before 
/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current. i-Packages and 
stable Fink packages probably are of similiar age.

Indeed you should take some care *not* to install Fink's teTeX by 
accident when you try to install AUCTeX, xdvi or any other packages. 
(Besides it's always useful to read what has to be installed before 
some little package!) Fink should list these items in such a way:

  i      system-tetex    20010808-14     Placeholder package for 
manually installed teTeX
         xdvi-system-tetex       22.78-1 Display dvi files under X11 
(system-tetex version)

well, here Fink failed, but notice the *system* keys! They're 
important, they're saying that Fink has recognized something and might 
like to accept a 'system' component. Have to write a new bug report ...

I would choose the sequence of PATH (or path) elements with darwinports 
so too.



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