[OS X TeX] Awkward interaction between TeXShop and CVS

Adam Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Thu May 27 16:32:12 CEST 2004

On 27 May, 2004, at 09:17, Fernando Pereira wrote:

>> Not really; you can use `cvs status` or `cvs -n update` to see if the 
>> file has been modified, then update or commit based on that.  This is 
>> what CVL and Xcode use.
> Thanks for the correction. Maybe my problem with CVL/TeXShop 
> interactions is that I have always been doing a full update before 
> committing because I didn't realize that CVL did what you describe.

CVL is confusing at first (maybe at second, too :).  If you open a Work 
Area in CVL (i.e. some directory that is under CVS control), it will 
give you status on all the items in its column view.  A + means that 
it's only locally modified (commit is safe), a triangle means that you 
need to merge changes (update/commit or merge), and a - means that the 
remote file differs and is unmodified by you.

If you use the Inspector, you can see the status, log messages, and 
diffs for a file selected in the column view; the checkboxes in the 
column view allow you to specify what files you see.  Oh, and 
control-clicking on items in the column view exposes all the regular 
cvs commands.


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