[OS X TeX] OT: MATLAB6p5 incompatible with Jaguar

Georges Vael gvael at innas.com
Thu Sep 12 10:31:42 CEST 2002

On woensdag, september 11, 2002, at 03:26 , Joseph C. Slater wrote:

> Nah. All that's really a problem is you don't get the GUI. The help can 
> be accessed through any web browser, and matlab can be run from the 
> command line in X-Windows by doing
> alias matlab 'setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 
> /usr/lib/libncurses.dylib;/Applications/MATLAB6p5/bin/matlab -nojvm'
> (all one line above)
> Then matlab will run fine.  You need to do this in an x terminal if you 
> want to be able to do graphics.
> I have this in my .cshrc file. You need to make sure it executes on a 
> new shell, which is back to the path issue we all love so much.
> Joe
> PS.  I didn't figure all of this out.  Martin Costabel figured out the 
> issue with the libraries.

Thanks Joe, I will try that.
I guess this is the point where I have to start digging into the unix 
side of things.
So far my knowledge in this field only scratches the surface. GUI used 
to be my middle name ;-).


Georges Vael
Innas BV
Nikkelstraat 15
4823 AE  Breda
The Netherlands
gvael at innas.com
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