[OS X TeX] What is Copy and Paste in OS X?

Keith M. Chugg chugg at usc.edu
Thu Oct 17 16:25:10 CEST 2002

>On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:00:21PM -0700, Keith M. Chugg wrote:
>>  The only problem with this is that I used cmr fonts (from textures)
>>  on most fonts and for some reason these get messed up when I paste
>>  into the OS X apps - specifically, the spaces turn into \Phi's.
>Ah, I'm beginning to see your problem, I think. So you used cmr fonts
>for labeling, etc., on the graphs? I.e., you got Kaleidagraph (I used
>that for a while before switching to Igor) to use the TeXtures fonts?
>And you saved the graphs as eps to be imported by your TeXtures
>document? So maybe the problem all boils down to getting OS X to
>handle the TeX fonts on a system-wide level, so you don't have to
>reconstruct these graphs with the fonts embedded. But then, would they
>print correctly on a postscript printer? I can use TexShop on OS X to
>typeset and open the resulting pdf in Ac. Reader or Preview, and the
>fonts work, and it prints, so i guess the fonts are embedded. But I
>haven't tried to create something using the TeX fonts with any other

Yes, I used the textures cmr fonts on kaliedagraph and superpaint 
figures.  On many, I even cut and pasted (option-paste) equations 
from the textures typset window onto the figures.  I can do similar 
in OSX using eqn service and omnigraffle (actually even nicer than in 
OS9).  In OSX, I see the cmr fonts in some applications, but I don't 
know if these are from the teTeX installation or the old texturs 
install.  In any case, they don't see to work well in other apps 
(e.g., typing text you see math symbols...).

In any case, I have a not-so-easy solution.  In my OS9 app, print to 
.eps w/ inclusion of non-standard fonts, then convert to pdf -- and 
edit the bounding box as needed.  I guess I will not convert all my 
old stuff, but just do it as I need...  I am surprised that I am the 
only one dealing with this.


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