[OS X TeX] Installed Jaguar, now epstopdf doesn't work...

Greg Starr starr at unm.edu
Thu Nov 14 23:42:41 CET 2002

I recently installed Jaguar and TeXShop v.1.24.  I had teTeX previously 
installed and did not change it.

But now epstopdf (which I use very frequently) doesn't work:

EPSTOPDF 2.8draft, 2002/02/19 - Copyright 1998-2002 by Sebastian Rahtz 
et al.
!!! Error: Cannot open Ghostscript for piped input!

Anyone know what the problem might be?  Should I bite the bullet and 
TeXLive-teTeX?  I did not do that before because I didn't think I had 

Thanks very much for any help.


* Gregory P. Starr, Professor and ASME Adviser        *
* Department of Mechanical Engineering                *
* The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 *
* starr at unm.edu          http://www.me.unm.edu/~starr *

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