[OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit

John Johnson johnj1 at mac.com
Sat May 18 02:09:42 CEST 2002

Here's what I have done.

1. Create and compile the following Applescript:

global myFile
tell window 1 of application "BBEdit 6"
  set myFile to the file
end tell

tell application "OzTeX"
  open myFile
end tell

(Note, I'm doing this off the top of my head, as I am not at my machine 
on which TeX is installed. So the Applescript may be slightly wrong. 
Open the BBEdit Dictionary from the Script Editor.)

2. Save the compiled script in <BBEdit App folder>/BBEdit 
Support/Scripts. There are neato nifty tricks you can do to get scripts 
in the order you want; check the BBEdit docs if you are interested.

3. Bring up the scripts window. You should see your new script listed. 
 From the script list window, you should be able to set a control key to 
activate the script. Then OzTeXxing is just a key-combo away.


On a slightly related topic, I remember someone moaning the 
disappearance of the ability to TeX a selection with the current 
preamble (a lovely feature of Alpha). I remember at one point (before 
BBEdit 6) I had an Applescript to do the same thing from BBEdit. I'll 
see if I can find it when I have time.

> Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit
> From: "William Duckworth" <wmd at iastate.edu>
> Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 14:17:28 -0500
> How does one get BBEdit to send the current window's file to OzTeX for 
> TeXing?

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