[OS X TeX] Monolithic (old style) TeX+GS installer re-upgraded

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Tue May 7 13:50:55 CEST 2002

There was a problem with the monolithic installer preventing it to 
finish installation correctly. This has been fixed and the fix has been 
tested (once) on my system. I did change more than just one line of 
script for this, so the new version might have a new problem I am 
unaware of (Murphy's law and all that). having said that, I am confident 
this is not the case. It is up to you people to do the real world 
test ;-)

As it is now, both new-style and old-style are in sync again wrt to the 
contents. Note: the new style installer has a mechanism detecting what 
version has been installed. However, installing the old-style installer 
does not update that information. So using a mix of old-style and 
new-style installers does work, but the result will be that the 
new-style installer will display erroneous information about software 
packages installed.

For links to the various installers, please visit 


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