[Mac OS X TeX] huge digests full of dreck

Rick Zaccone zaccone at bucknell.edu
Sat Feb 9 12:17:15 CET 2002

>	This is not rocket science folks...
>	Please remember to cut out the signatures and other redundant
>material from your replies to this (and any mailing list for that matter).
>Also remember to turn off HTML email features, and avoid attachments.
>Double check the subject to make sure it is appropriate for the message as
>well. Quoting the entire thread after your own signature is particularly

This is a big annoyance for me too.  Unfortunately, it *is* rocket
science if you're using Outlook!  (Am I surprised?)  I found this web
page that outlines all the steps you need to follow to get Outlook to
send plain text.




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