[Mac OS X TeX] Problems with new tetex (?), and more

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Tue Nov 27 00:32:36 CET 2001

>>Output written on Extension.dvi (12 pages, 28292 bytes).
>>Transcript written on Extension.log.
>>### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips -R -u 
>>+psfonts.map -u +pdftex.map -u +wolfram.map  -o 
>>/tmp/altpdflatex.1257/Extension.ps Extension.dvi
>>### Saving intermediary ps file /tmp/altpdflatex.1257/Extension.ps 
>>as Extension.ps
>>### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdflatex.1257/Extension.ps Extension.pdf
>>### FAILED to generate Extension.pdf (1)
>Leaving away all figures gives the same result. Can anyone figure 
>out what is going wrong (or what I am doing wrong :-)?


Have you got any other ghostscripts installed ?  I get the same
thing and it seems to be calling GS7 which it shouldn't be. But I have
all kinds of fink stuff installed :-(

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au             
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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