[Mac OS X TeX] Lucida Bright Fonts

Tom Kiffe tom at kiffe.com
Wed May 2 17:07:51 CEST 2001

CMacTeX contains a Carbon t1utils program and an accompanying Apple Script
called lwfn2pfb. Just drop your Macintosh Printer Fonts onto the Apple
Script and it will convert all of them to pfb format.

Tom Kiffe

>With OzTeX I have been using the Lucida Bright fonts purchased from Y&Y.
>I was considering how to use them in TeXShop. It seems I need to purchase
>new versions of the fonts fron Y&Y suitable for UNIX. Louis  at Y&Y has told
>me that they have a 50% reduction on a purchase of the fonts or I could
>convert the existing ones using one of Y&Y's font manipulation
>tools -- although he says it is non-trivial.
>Anyone got any thoughts on this?  Is there any way of telling MacOSX to
>use MacOS9 fonts.  Has anyone tried this with CMacTeX ?
>Thanks - Michael

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