<div dir="ltr"><div><div><br>>
Do you get the same error, David?<br><br></div>Yes see ltnews.pdf :-)<br><br></div>as from the October release lualatex has stopped prefixing command names with "luatex" so uses the same names as plain and context until the package is updated you can simply alias the old name, I had the following in the test file. lines 1 and 2 are needed for the 2015/10/01 release, actually I'm using luatex 0.87 and latex 2016/01/01 and further adjustments are needed for that (you can find luatex85.sty on github, but it's unstable and not needed unless you have luatex 0.87 builds which are not aimed at general use until texlive 2016 later in the year)<br><br><br>\RequirePackage{luatex85}<br>\let\luatexpardir\pardir <br>\let\luatextextdir\textdir <br>\documentclass[english,hebrew]{article}<br>\usepackage{fontspec}<br>\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{FreeSans}<br>\setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{FreeSans}<br>\setmonofont{FreeSans}<br><br>\usepackage{polyglossia}<br>\setdefaultlanguage{hebrew}<br>\setotherlanguage{english}<br>\begin{document}<br><br>מומלץ<br><br>\end{document}<br><br><br></div>