[luatex] [lucida] luatex hangs on lucida OT test file

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Sat Mar 11 23:37:52 CET 2017

> In TeX Live 2017 and later, adding of DLL modules may
> become impossible or very difficult due to multiple Lua VMs
> problem, since I'll link lua52, luajit, and luaffi statically.

The "lltxplatform" module in the "lualatex-platform" package
by Philipp Stephani may be convenient to know system fonts.
Thus I linked it as a static module as an exercise.
For example, the following may work on windows in TeX Live 2017:

-- texlua test.lua
-- or
-- texluajit test.lua
require "lltxplatform"

local fonts = lltxplatform.get_installed_fonts()

for k, v in pairs(fonts) do
    print(k, v.name, v.path)


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