[luatex] Using luarepl with lualatex - how do I get lua5.1's behavior for "require"?

Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 21:57:08 CET 2015

Problem solved.
If there is a better way, I would like to know.
  Eduardo Ochs
  eduardoochs at gmail.com

The code is below.

# Download luarepl-0.5 and untar it into /tmp/lua-repl-0.5/
cd /tmp/
wget https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.5.tar.gz
tar -C /tmp/ -xvzf /tmp/0.5.tar.gz

# Create /tmp/lualoader.lua
cat    > /tmp/lualoader.lua <<'%%%'
-- From http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaModulesLoader
local function lualoader(modulename)
  local errmsg = ""
  -- Find source
  local modulepath = string.gsub(modulename, "%.", "/")
  for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "([^;]+)") do
    local filename = string.gsub(path, "%?", modulepath)
    local file = io.open(filename, "rb")
    if file then
      -- Compile and return the module
      return assert(loadstring(assert(file:read("*a")), filename))
    errmsg = errmsg.."\n\tno file '"..filename.."' (checked with custom loader)"
  return errmsg
-- See http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.loaders
table.insert(package.loaders, 2, lualoader)
-- See also: http://lua-users.org/wiki/BinaryModulesLoader

# Create /tmp/myrepl.lua
cat    > /tmp/myrepl.lua <<'%%%'
repldir      = "/tmp/lua-repl-0.5/"
package.path = ""
package.path = repldir.."?/init.lua;"..package.path
package.path = repldir.."?.lua;"     ..package.path
repl         = require "repl"
sync         = require "repl.sync"
function sync:showprompt(p) io.write(p == ">" and ">>> " or ">>>> ") end
function sync:lines() return io.stdin:lines() end
function sync:displayerror(err) print(err) end
function sync:displayresults(results)
    if results.n == 0 then return end
    print(unpack(results, 1, results.n))

# Create /tmp/myrepl.tex
cat    > /tmp/myrepl.tex <<'%%%'
\directlua{dofile "lualoader.lua"}
\directlua{dofile "myrepl.lua"}

# Run LuaRepl from LuaLaTeX - the prompt will be ">>> "
cd /tmp/
lualatex myrepl.tex

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