[luatex] TL2014, realsuperscript, Linux Libertine O

Daniel Flipo daniel.flipo at free.fr
Mon Jun 23 18:58:38 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I stumble upon a new ``feature'' with TL2014 when compiling the 
following file in LuaLaTeX:
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}

The \realsuperscript command prints no superscript;
-- it did with TL2013 (checked today, I kept the latest TL2013 ;-),
-- it does also with font "Iwona" instead of "Linux Libertine O",
-- it does also with font "Linux Libertine O" when compiled with XeLaTeX.
-- Strange is that \realsubscript works fine anytime…

Best wishes,
Daniel Flipo

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