[luatex] problem with luaotfload and luatex-ja

Hironori KITAGAWA h_kitagawa2001 at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Jul 18 03:32:12 CEST 2014

Hello Rembrandt and Philipp,

On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 20:12:01 +0200
Philipp Gesang <philipp.gesang at alumni.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:

> >                                                                  (I
> > tried luaotfload-tool -u -f -vvv, to no avail. And I do not have
> > Ryumin-Light on my machine  (OSX 10.8.5) and don't know where to get it
> > legally. Also, luatexja hasn't changed.)
> I have never encountered that font either. Something is trying to
> load it though, but it definitely isn’t Luaotfload. Maybe another
> package tries to pull it in? Hard to say without an MWE.

Ryumin-Light (and GothicBBB-Medium) are default (Japanese) fonts of LuaTeX-ja.
They are not "real" fonts, but "virtual" non-embedded fonts which will be
substituted by a PDF reader.
(For example, Adobe Reader substitutes Ryumin-Light by KozMinPr6N-Regular.otf.)

> luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc,dfont); reason:
> "File not found: Ryumin-Light.".

These non-embedded fonts are defined in luatexja/ltj-rmlgbm.lua.
There are the following lines in this file:

206 local definers = fonts.definers
207 local function mk_rml(name, size, id)
208   local specification = definers.analyze(name,size)
209   specification = definers.resolve(specification)
210   specification.detail = specification.detail or ''

Above message is caused by definers.resolve() in l. 209.
Just commenting this line resolves the problem:

@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ end
 local definers = fonts.definers
 local function mk_rml(name, size, id)
    local specification = definers.analyze(name,size)
-   specification = definers.resolve(specification)
+   --specification = definers.resolve(specification)
    specification.detail = specification.detail or ''
    local fontdata = {}

Hironori KITAGAWA <h_kitagawa2001 at yahoo.co.jp>

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