[luatex] mkluatexfontdb devours memory

Arno Trautmann Arno.Trautmann at gmx.de
Thu May 9 15:14:30 CEST 2013

Hi all,

after some days I tried to compile a basic document with LuaLaTeX today 
but the memory just ran full and nothing happened. Trying only to update 
the font database leads to:

arno at tiger> mkluatexfontdb -vvv

luaotfload | util: setting log level
luaotfload | util: task completed successfully
luaotfload | db: Updating the font names database
luaotfload | db: Font names database not found, generating new one.
              This can take several minutes; please be patient.
luaotfload | db: Updating the font names database
luaotfload | db: Scanning TEXMF fonts...
luaotfload | db: Scanning OS fonts...
luaotfload | db: Searching in static system directories...

Then nothing happens, and I only see how my memory gets full untill the 
full 3+1GB RAM and swap are full. This happens on a linux X86_64 with 
today's updated TeX Live. I'm sorry if this is already reported, I 
didn't have much time to read all the messages about LuaTeX carefully.


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