[luatex] recent lua* updates | MikTeX | broken again... ;-)

Ulrike Fischer luatex at nililand.de
Thu Jun 27 10:57:58 CEST 2013

Am Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:51:13 +0200 schrieb Ulrike Fischer:

> Am Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:44:41 -0400 schrieb Evan Cooch:
>> Note that in my MWE, I don't use fontspec, so its not related to that 
>> (which was also updated). 
> Your MWE would load fontspec as unicode-math is loading it. 
> But
>>> (Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)
> fatal format error never have to do with packages loaded at compile
> time. This error means that something when wrong when generating the
> format. 
> I can test later this day on another PC if I can reproduce the
> error.

Well I made some tests:

Getting around the fatal format error was easy: I simply did go to
the format tab, selected lualatex and clicked on build. (Using
"Update formats" doesn't work if lualatex has the "exclude"

On my PC some miktex packages where missing (e.g.
miktex-cairo-bin-2.9). I had to install them with the package
manager. I would suggest that you synchronize your repository and
check for new/missing miktex-XXX-packages too. 

I had no problems with faulty fonts but as Philipp mentioned it is
always possible that one has to blacklist a font.

unicode-math didn't work has lualatexiniconfig.tex in
latex/latexconfig is not up-to-date. There is umath missing in this

tex.extraprimitives('etex', 'pdftex', 'umath'))

So you should correct the file (or wait until miktex updates it). 

Ulrike Fischer 

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