[luatex] Creating pdf objects in \latelua

Paweł Jackowski P.Jackowski at gust.org.pl
Thu Oct 1 21:12:21 CEST 2009


can we somehow write pdf objects within \latelua? Obviously we cannot 
use pdf.immediateobj() as it writes the data to a content stream 
generating invalid output. If I use pdf.obj(), then how to reference it 
without explcit \pdfrefobj somewhere later? I'd like to avoid it as it 
does not actually write the object into the pdf output but inserts a 
pdf_refobj node into the list, which will take an effect no sooner then 
the next \shipout, right? But can we do better?

Thanks, Paweł
Pawe/l Jackowski
P.Jackowski at gust.org.pl

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