[luatex] Arabic alphabets are not connected

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at telecom-bretagne.eu
Sun Feb 8 16:44:34 CET 2009

at what moment are you doing contextual analysis? Without contextual  
analysis everything will be in isolated form...

Le 8 févr. 09 à 15:35, وفا خلیقی a écrit :

> I use the following test file but Arabic alphabets are not  
> connected. Do you know what should I do?
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> \pdfoutput1
> \directlua0{
> callback.register('define_font',
>   function(name, size)
>     fonttype = nil
>     filename = kpse.find_file(name,"opentype fonts")
>     if (filename)
>     then fonttype = 'opentype'
>     else filename = kpse.find_file(name, "truetype fonts")
>     end
>     if filename and not fonttype then fonttype = 'truetype' end
>     if fonttype then
>       if (size < 0) then size = (- 655.36) * size end
>       ttffont = fontforge.to_table(fontforge.open(filename))
>       if ttffont then
>         f = { }
>         f.name = ttffont.fontname
>         f.fullname = ttffont.names[1].names.fullname
>         f.parameters = { }
>         f.designsize = size
>         f.size = size
>         direction = 0
>         f.parameters.slant = 0
>         f.parameters.space = size * 0.25
>         f.parameters.space_stretch = 0.3 * size
>         f.parameters.space_shrink = 0.1 * size
>         f.parameters.x_height = 0.4 * size
>         f.parameters.quad = 1.0 * size
>         f.parameters.extra_space = 0
>         f.characters = { }
>         local mag = size / ttffont.units_per_em
>          names_of_char = { }
>         for char, glyph in pairs(ttffont.map.map)
>         do
>           names_of_char[ttffont.glyphs[glyph].name]
>             = ttffont.map.backmap[glyph]
>         end
>         names_of_glyph = { }
>         for char, glyph in pairs(ttffont.map.map)
>         do
>           names_of_glyph[ttffont.glyphs[glyph].name]
>             = glyph
>         end
>        for char, glyph in pairs(ttffont.map.map)
>         do
>           glyph_table = ttffont.glyphs[glyph]
>           f.characters[char] = {
>             index = glyph,
>             width = glyph_table.width * mag,
>             name = glyph_table.name,
>           }
>           if glyph_table.boundingbox[4] then
>             f.characters[char].height = glyph_table.boundingbox[4] *  
> mag
>           end
>           if glyph_table.boundingbox[2] then
>             f.characters[char].depth = -glyph_table.boundingbox[2] *  
> mag
>           end
>           if glyph_table.kerns then
>             local kerns = { }
>             for _, kern in pairs(glyph_table.kerns)
>             do
>               kerns[names_of_char[kern.char]] = kern.off * mag
>             end
>           f.characters[char].kerns = kerns
>           end
>         end
>         f.filename = filename
>         f.type = 'real'
>         f.format = fonttype
>         f.embedding = "subset"
>         f.cidinfo = {
>           registry = "Adobe",
>           ordering = "Identity",
>           supplement = 0,
>           version = 1
>         }
>       end
>     else
>       f = font.read_tfm(name, size)
>     end
>   return f
>   end
> )
> }
> \pagedir TRT \bodydir TRT \textdir TRT \pardir TRT
> \font\test="IranNastaliq.ttf" at 12pt
> \begin{document}
> \test
> این یک آزمایش است.
> \end{document}
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> -- 
> VK

| Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D.      yannis.haralambous at telecom- 
bretagne.eu |
| Directeur d'Études                      http://omega.enstb.org/ 
yannis |
|                                             Tel. +33  
(0) |
|                                             Fax  +33  
(0) |
| Département  
Informatique                                              |
| Télécom  
Bretagne                                                      |
| Technopôle de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest Cedex 3,  
France     |
| Coordonnées Google-Earth : 48°21'31.57"N  
4°34'16.76"W                 |
                             ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un  
                                            mieux vaut n'être pas  

                            ...the ball I threw while playing in the  
                                           has not yet reached the  

               Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern über Schubert  
            nur Nächtens den Bäumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzählen  

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