Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to use Cambria Math with LuaLaTeX. But I have some problems. This is my example:<br><br>\documentclass{article}<br>\usepackage{fontspec}<br>\usepackage{unicode-math}<br>\fontspec{Cambria Math}<br>
\setmainfont{Cambria Math}<br>\setmathfont{Cambria Math}<br><br>\begin{document}<br>\alpha\ <br>\[<br>\luatexUmathaccent bottom "0"0"323 A<br>\luatexUmathaccent both "0"0"23DE "0"0"323 A<br>
\]<br>\end{document}<br clear="all"><br>This do not provide accents on
A. If I do not load unicode-math, I have accents but not in the right
place and the math font is CM. Moreover, without unicode-math, \alpha does not work.<br>So what happens ?<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>(I sent a previous mail with a wrong address, but i do not know if the list is open)<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Maxime Chupin<br><a href="http://mc.notezik.com" target="_blank">http://mc.notezik.com</a><br>