[lltx] Conflict between unicode-math and xypic

Philipp Stephani st_philipp at yahoo.de
Fri Nov 5 23:49:09 CET 2010

Am 05.11.2010 um 18:23 schrieb Rémy Oudompheng:

> Hello,
> I am encountering a problem when using simultaneously xypic and
> unicode-math packages with lualatex. The following file compiles
> correctly with xelatex:
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage[matrix,arrow]{xy}
> \usepackage{unicode-math}
> \setmathfont{XITS Math}
> \begin{document}
> \xymatrix{ a \ar[r] & b }
> \end{document}
> It should show something like "a -> b". However, using lualatex
> replaces the arrow by a big fat line. Removing the \setmathfont line
> fixes the problem. How can I debug this ? It seems to have appeared
> during an update of either luaotfload or unicode-math, but using an
> old version of xypic also works.

That bug is known and fixed by newer versions of unicode-math. Try a development version from Github:

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