[lltx] luaextra

Élie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Mon Jan 11 13:47:30 CET 2010

2010/1/11 Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org>:
> Since ConTeXt's lua modules are quite generic, I'd rather try to keep
> our copy 100% compatible for easy syncing etc. may be one day LuaTeX (or
> some other macro package independent package) will ship them, but we can
> add some aliases in luaextra for backward compatibility.

Sure, I just aliased file to fpath (because all the file. functions
are actually working on path...), and renamed file.is_readable in
lfs.is_readable which seem more accurate... but it's no important

So do you think luaextra should load like l-table, l-string, l-file
and l-math, and that we also ship the other files, for people who want
to use them? This would be OK for me... Manuel, can you give the
rights on the git rep to Khaled?

Thank you,

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