[lltx] bidi package extended for LuaLaTeX

Vafa Khalighi vafakh84 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 01:20:49 CEST 2010

I have been working on extending the bidi package for lualatex and I
have been pretty happy with the result. I like to divide this into two

1- unicode bidi algorithm done purely in Lua

2- bidi TeX, e.g. paragraphs, tabular, headers and footers and etc

I have been working on the second category. Is there anyone who would
like to help with the first category so we can upload next version of
bidi package to CTAN whichit supports both luatex and xetex? and I
think having one single package is better than having several packages
one for xetex and the other for luatex.

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