[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-l3build] ctan-post: rename uploaddata to uploadconfig (88a7b2b)

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 01:05:11 CET 2018

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/l3build
On branch  : ctan-post
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/l3build/commit/88a7b2b4b7833c5cb22f747ea82c38fa41edeeca


commit 88a7b2b4b7833c5cb22f747ea82c38fa41edeeca
Author: Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 18 10:35:11 2018 +1030

    rename uploaddata to uploadconfig


 l3build-upload.lua    |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 l3build-variables.lua |    2 +-
 l3build.dtx           |   16 ++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l3build-upload.lua b/l3build-upload.lua
index cd303f4..289574e 100644
--- a/l3build-upload.lua
+++ b/l3build-upload.lua
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for those people who are interested.
 -- the main interface is
 --     upload()
--- with a configuration table `uploaddata`
+-- with a configuration table `uploadconfig`
 local curl_debug = curl_debug or false -- to disable posting
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ local uploadfile = ctanzip..".zip"
 function upload()
   -- try a sensible default for the package name:
-  uploaddata.pkg = uploaddata.pkg or ctanpkg or nil
+  uploadconfig.pkg = uploadconfig.pkg or ctanpkg or nil
   -- start building the curl command:
   ctan_post = curlexe .. " "
@@ -72,24 +72,24 @@ function upload()
   --         field                                   max  desc                                 mandatory  multi
   --         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ctan_field("announcement", uploaddata.announcement, 8192, "Announcement",                        false, false )
-  ctan_field("author",       uploaddata.author,        128, "Author name",                         true,  false )
-  ctan_field("bugtracker",   uploaddata.bugtracker,    255, "URL(s) of bug tracker",               false, true  )
-  ctan_field("ctanPath",     uploaddata.ctanPath,      255, "CTAN path",                           true,  false )
-  ctan_field("description",  uploaddata.description,  4096, "Short description of package",        false, false )
-  ctan_field("development",  uploaddata.development,   255, "URL(s) of development channels",      false, true  )
-  ctan_field("email",        uploaddata.email,         255, "Email of uploader",                   true,  false )
-  ctan_field("home",         uploaddata.home,          255, "URL(s) of home page",                 false, true  )
-  ctan_field("license",      uploaddata.license,      2048, "Package license(s)",                  true,  true  )
-  ctan_field("note",         uploaddata.note,         4096, "Internal note to ctan",               false, false )
-  ctan_field("pkg",          uploaddata.pkg,            32, "Package name",                        true,  false )
-  ctan_field("repository",   uploaddata.repository,    255, "URL(s) of source repositories",       false, true  )
-  ctan_field("summary",      uploaddata.summary,       128, "One-line summary of package",         true,  false )
-  ctan_field("support",      uploaddata.support,       255, "URL(s) of support channels",          false, true  )
-  ctan_field("topic",        uploaddata.topic,        1024, "Topic(s)",                            false, true  )
-  ctan_field("update",       uploaddata.update,          8, "Boolean: true=update, false=new pkg", false, false )
-  ctan_field("uploader",     uploaddata.uploader,      255, "Name of uploader",                    true,  false )
-  ctan_field("version",      uploaddata.version,        32, "Package version",                     true,  false )
+  ctan_field("announcement", uploadconfig.announcement, 8192, "Announcement",                        false, false )
+  ctan_field("author",       uploadconfig.author,        128, "Author name",                         true,  false )
+  ctan_field("bugtracker",   uploadconfig.bugtracker,    255, "URL(s) of bug tracker",               false, true  )
+  ctan_field("ctanPath",     uploadconfig.ctanPath,      255, "CTAN path",                           true,  false )
+  ctan_field("description",  uploadconfig.description,  4096, "Short description of package",        false, false )
+  ctan_field("development",  uploadconfig.development,   255, "URL(s) of development channels",      false, true  )
+  ctan_field("email",        uploadconfig.email,         255, "Email of uploader",                   true,  false )
+  ctan_field("home",         uploadconfig.home,          255, "URL(s) of home page",                 false, true  )
+  ctan_field("license",      uploadconfig.license,      2048, "Package license(s)",                  true,  true  )
+  ctan_field("note",         uploadconfig.note,         4096, "Internal note to ctan",               false, false )
+  ctan_field("pkg",          uploadconfig.pkg,            32, "Package name",                        true,  false )
+  ctan_field("repository",   uploadconfig.repository,    255, "URL(s) of source repositories",       false, true  )
+  ctan_field("summary",      uploadconfig.summary,       128, "One-line summary of package",         true,  false )
+  ctan_field("support",      uploadconfig.support,       255, "URL(s) of support channels",          false, true  )
+  ctan_field("topic",        uploadconfig.topic,        1024, "Topic(s)",                            false, true  )
+  ctan_field("update",       uploadconfig.update,          8, "Boolean: true=update, false=new pkg", false, false )
+  ctan_field("uploader",     uploadconfig.uploader,      255, "Name of uploader",                    true,  false )
+  ctan_field("version",      uploadconfig.version,        32, "Package version",                     true,  false )
   -- finish constructing the curl command:
   ctan_post = ctan_post .. " --form 'file=@" .. tostring(uploadfile) .. ";filename=" .. tostring(uploadfile) .. "'"
diff --git a/l3build-variables.lua b/l3build-variables.lua
index 559dc50..ad88aed 100644
--- a/l3build-variables.lua
+++ b/l3build-variables.lua
@@ -188,4 +188,4 @@ manifestfile = manifestfile or "MANIFEST.md"
 -- Upload settings
 curlexe  = curlexe  or "curl"
-uploaddata = uploaddata or {}
+uploadconfig = uploadconfig or {}
diff --git a/l3build.dtx b/l3build.dtx
index c5205eb..06af5d5 100644
--- a/l3build.dtx
+++ b/l3build.dtx
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
 \luavarset{recordstatus}{false}       {Switch to include error level from test runs in \texttt{.tlg} files}
 \luavarset{manifestfile}        {"MANIFEST.md"} {Filename to use for the manifest file}
-\luavarset{uploaddata}        {\meta{table}} {Metadata to describe the package for CTAN (see Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup})}
-\luavarset{uploaddata.pkg}{ctanpkg}{Name of the CTAN package}
+\luavarset{uploadconfig}        {\meta{table}} {Metadata to describe the package for CTAN (see Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup})}
+\luavarset{uploadconfig.pkg}{ctanpkg}{Name of the CTAN package}
 \luavarset{bakext}{".bak"}{Extension of backup files}
 \luavarset{dviext}{".dvi"}{Extension of DVI files}
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
 % \begin{buildcmd}{upload}
 % This target uses \texttt{curl} to upload the package zip file (created using \texttt{ctan}) to CTAN.
-% To control the metadata used to upload the package, the \texttt{uploaddata} table should be populated with a number of fields.
+% To control the metadata used to upload the package, the \texttt{uploadconfig} table should be populated with a number of fields.
 % These are documented in Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup}.
 % Missing required fields will result in an interactive prompt for manual entry.
@@ -1289,13 +1289,13 @@
 % must be specified about the package, including the version, license, and so on.
 % A description of this metadata is outlined in Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup},
 % and a simple example of an extract from a \texttt{build.lua} file using this is shown
-% in Figure~\ref{fig:uploaddata}.
+% in Figure~\ref{fig:uploadconfig}.
 % Note that the \texttt{upload} target will \emph{not} execute the \texttt{ctan} target first.
 % \begin{table}[p]
 %   \def\YES{\textbullet}
-%   \caption{Fields used in the \texttt{uploaddata} setup table. The first section of fields are \emph{required} and if they are omitted the user will be interactively prompted for further input. Most commands take string input, but those that are indicated with `Multi' accept more than one entry using an array of strings.}
+%   \caption{Fields used in the \texttt{uploadconfig} setup table. The first section of fields are \emph{required} and if they are omitted the user will be interactively prompted for further input. Most commands take string input, but those that are indicated with `Multi' accept more than one entry using an array of strings.}
 %   \label{tab:upload-setup}
 %   \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
 %   \begin{tabular}{@{}lccp{8cm}@{}}
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
 % \begin{figure}[p]
 %   \begin{lstlisting}[frame=single,language={[5.2]Lua},gobble = 6]
-%     uploaddata = {
+%     uploadconfig = {
 %       pkg         = "vertbars",
 %       version     = "v1.0c",
 %       author      = "Peter R Wilson; Will Robertson",
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@
 %       update      = true,
 %     }
 %   \end{lstlisting}
-%   \caption{Example of \texttt{uploaddata} from the \pkg{vertbars} package.}
-%   \label{fig:uploaddata}
+%   \caption{Example of \texttt{uploadconfig} from the \pkg{vertbars} package.}
+%   \label{fig:uploadconfig}
 % \end{figure}
 % \section{Lua interfaces}

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