[latex3-commits] [git/l3build] master: Remove cmdcheck target (8f71c59)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Dec 19 09:01:14 CET 2017

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/l3build
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/l3build/commit/8f71c5968f0005a70fa8b692ffff7e1bc5fdde78


commit 8f71c5968f0005a70fa8b692ffff7e1bc5fdde78
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date:   Tue Dec 19 08:01:14 2017 +0000

    Remove cmdcheck target
    This is really specific to the kernel: move there.


 l3build.dtx |    9 ---------
 l3build.lua |   51 ---------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l3build.dtx b/l3build.dtx
index b0ba140..238d3ea 100644
--- a/l3build.dtx
+++ b/l3build.dtx
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
 \luavarset{bstfiles}          {\{"*.bst"\}}{\BibTeX{} style files}
 \luavarset{checkfiles}        {\{~\}}{Extra files unpacked purely for tests}
 \luavarset{checksuppfiles}    { }{Files needed for performing regression tests}
-\luavarset{cmdchkfiles}       {\{\}}{Files need to perform command checking (\cls{l3doc}-based documentation only)}
 \luavarset{cleanfiles}        {\{"*.log", "*.pdf", "*.zip"\}}{Files to delete when cleaning}
 \luavarset{demofiles}         {\{\}}{Files which show how to use a module}
 \luavarset{docfiles}          {\{\}}{Files which are part of the documentation but should not be typeset}
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@
 \luavarset{zipexe}    {"zip"}     {Executable for creating archive with \texttt{ctan}}
 \luavarset{checkopts}  {"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when running checks.}
-\luavarset{cmdchkopts} {"-interaction=batchmode"}  {Options based to engine when running command checks.}
 \luavarset{typesetopts}{"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when typesetting.}
 \luavarset{unpackopts} {""}                        {Options based to engine when unpacking.}
 \luavarset{zipopts}    {"-v -r -X"}                {Options based to zip program.}
@@ -385,13 +383,6 @@
 % from the engines not available in earlier releases.
 % \end{buildcmd}
-% \begin{buildcmd}{cmdcheck}
-% For \cls{l3doc}-based sources, allows checking that the commands defined in the code part  (by \var{cmdchkfiles}) are documented in the description part.
-% This is performed by passing the |check| option to the \cls{l3doc} class, typesetting the file(s) to check with engine \var{stdengine} with options \var{cmdchkopts}, and checking the resultant |.cmds| file(s).
-% Dependencies are specified also with \var{checkdeps}.
-% \end{buildcmd}
 % \begin{buildcmd}{clean}
 % This command removes all temporary files used for package bundling and regression testing.
 % In the standard layout, these are all files within the directories defined by \var{localdir}, \var{testdir}, \var{typesetdir} and \var{unpackdir}, as well as all files defined in the \var{cleanfiles} variable in the same directory as the script.
diff --git a/l3build.lua b/l3build.lua
index df8a16e..0507e31 100644
--- a/l3build.lua
+++ b/l3build.lua
@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ binaryfiles        = binaryfiles        or {"*.pdf", "*.zip"}
 bstfiles           = bstfiles           or {"*.bst"}
 checkfiles         = checkfiles         or { }
 checksuppfiles     = checksuppfiles     or { }
-cmdchkfiles        = cmdchkfiles        or { }
 cleanfiles         = cleanfiles         or {"*.log", "*.pdf", "*.zip"}
 demofiles          = demofiles          or { }
 docfiles           = docfiles           or { }
@@ -130,7 +129,6 @@ unpackexe  = unpackexe  or "tex"
 zipexe     = zipexe     or "zip"
 checkopts   = checkopts   or "-interaction=nonstopmode"
-cmdchkopts  = cmdchkopts  or "-interaction=batchmode"
 typesetopts = typesetopts or "-interaction=nonstopmode"
 unpackopts  = unpackopts  or ""
 zipopts     = zipopts     or "-v -r -X"
@@ -1816,9 +1814,6 @@ function help()
     print("   check      Run all automated tests")
   print("   clean      Clean out directory tree")
-  if next(cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then
-    print("   cmdcheck   Check commands documented are defined")
-  end
   if module == "" or bundle == "" then
     print("   ctan       Create CTAN-ready archive")
@@ -1966,48 +1961,6 @@ function bundleclean()
--- Check commands are defined
-function cmdcheck()
-  mkdir(localdir)
-  cleandir(testdir)
-  depinstall(checkdeps)
-  for _,filetype in pairs(
-      {bibfiles, docfiles, typesetfiles, typesetdemofiles}
-    ) do
-    for _,file in pairs(filetype) do
-      cp(file, docfiledir, typesetdir)
-    end
-  end
-  for _,file in pairs(sourcefiles) do
-    cp(file, sourcefiledir, testdir)
-  end
-  for _,file in pairs(typesetsuppfiles) do
-    cp(file, supportdir, testdir)
-  end
-  local engine = gsub(stdengine, "tex$", "latex")
-  local localdir = abspath(localdir)
-  print("Checking source files")
-  for _,i in ipairs(cmdchkfiles) do
-    for _,j in ipairs(filelist(sourcefiledir, i)) do
-      print("  " .. jobname(j))
-      run(
-        testdir,
-        os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=." .. os_pathsep .. localdir
-          .. os_pathsep ..
-        os_concat ..
-        engine .. " " .. cmdchkopts ..
-          " \"\\PassOptionsToClass{check}{l3doc} \\input " .. j .. "\""
-          .. " > " .. os_null
-      )
-      for line in lines(testdir .. "/" .. jobname(j) .. ".cmds") do
-        if match(line, "^%!") then
-          print("   - " .. match(line, "^%! (.*)"))
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
 function ctan(standalone)
   -- Always run tests for all engines
   options["engine"] = nil
@@ -2470,8 +2423,6 @@ function stdmain(target, files)
     elseif target == "clean" then
       errorlevel = bundleclean()
-    elseif target == "cmdcheck" and next(cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then
-      errorlevel = call(modules, "cmdcheck")
     elseif target == "ctan" then
       errorlevel = ctan()
     elseif target == "install" then
@@ -2503,8 +2454,6 @@ function stdmain(target, files)
       errorlevel = check(files)
     elseif target == "clean" then
       errorlevel = clean()
-    elseif target == "cmdcheck" and next(cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then
-      errorlevel = cmdcheck()
     elseif target == "ctan" and bundle == "" then  -- Stand-alone module
       errorlevel = ctan(true)
     elseif target == "install" then

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