[l2h] Error while converting imgae

Shigeharu TAKENO shige at iee.niit.ac.jp
Wed Dec 10 12:26:04 CET 2008

shige 12/10 2008

Christian <maillists at gmx.de> wrote:
| Error while converting image
| Converting image #10
| pstoimg: Error: "/sw/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  < /tmp/l2h53486/p53693.pnm  
| | /sw/bin/ppmquant -floyd 256 | /sw/bin/pnmtopng -interlace -trans  
| 'gray85'  > img10.png" failed: Invalid argument

Some version of pnmcrop may not support the option "-verbose".
Please try to modify the line

 my $PNMCROP = '/sw/bin/pnmcrop -verbose ';


 my $PNMCROP = '/sw/bin/pnmcrop ';

of your pstoimg script.

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
 shige at iee.niit.ac.jp   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161

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