[l2h] hyperlinks using pdflatex and latex2html

Stephen Wornom Stephen.Wornom at sophia.inria.fr
Fri Sep 3 13:38:06 CEST 2004

pdflatex file.tex and latex2html create a file.pdf that is correct withe
the exception that acroread file.pdf does not show the http names as
hyperlinks. Would
appreciate some basic instructions and a simple .tex file (if possible)
that will create a
.pdf file with hyperlinks that function in acroread.
\usepackage{hyperref} is used in my file.tex but not \hyperref.
Stephen Wornom                     | Email : Stephen.Wornom at inria.fr
INRIA Centre de Sophia Antipolis   | Phone : (33) 04 92 38 71 79
BP 93,06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX | Telex :      97 00 50 F
     France                        | Fax   : (33) 04 92 38 79 80

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